Unsurpassed Christian Apologists

I am not insane, most excellent Festus. What I am saying is true and reasonable. For the king knows about these matters, and I can speak boldly to him. For I am convinced that none of these things has escaped his notice, since this was not done in a corner. (The Apostle Paul, Acts 26:25-26)
Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, MN
June 18-19, 2025 Free Admission
Conference Topics
I. The Legacy of John Warwick Montgomery (1931 - 2024)
II. The Legacy of C. S. Lewis (1898 - 1963)
III. The Legacy of Early Church Apologists & Beyond
The work of defending the truth of Christianity has been ongoing throughout the church’s history, resulting in many great apologists. With the death of Dr. John Warwick Montgomery (September 25, 2024), the Center for Apologetics and Worldviews (CAW) realized now would be a most fitting time to honor his remarkable work and that of other prominent apologists. As one surveys the history of the church and understands the present time, it becomes clear the need to defend the truth of Christianity remains equally necessary today.
Most Christians readily recognize C.S. Lewis, and rightly so. But many are not as familiar with Dr. Montgomery even though his knowledge, insight, practicality, and productivity at least rivals Lewis. Those who have studied Montgomery acknowledge a great debt. For example, Dr. Sean McDowell of Biola University in Evidence That Demands a Verdict (coauthored with his father Josh McDowell) writes, “This book is dedicated to the scholars who compiled the initial research that challenged my father to consider the claims of Christ. My personal thanks to John Warwick Montgomery, Wilbur M. Smith, George Eldon Ladd, Norman Geisler, Bernard Ramm, Carl Henry, F. F. Bruce, and many more.” Dr. Montgomery’s first-billing in this list is not accidental. His and Lewis’ apologetic contributions complement each other and remain extremely valuable to the church of today, and will continue to do so until Christ returns.
But of course, their contributions would not exist at all without the labor, wisdom, and crosses of the first apologists, including the disciples, and most importantly Christ himself.
Wednesday Evening, June 18
6:30pm* The Legacy of John Warwick Montgomery, Part I (Atty. Craig Parton; International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism & Human Rights, Strasbourg, France)
7:30pm* The Legacy of John Warwick Montgomery, Part II
Thursday, June 19
9:00am* The Legacy of C.S. Lewis, Part I (Dr. Joel Heck; C.S. Lewis Scholar; Interim President Concordia Lutheran Seminary in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
10:00am* The Legacy of C.S. Lewis, Part II
11:00am* The Legacy of Early Church Apologists & Beyond, Part I (Dr. Adam Francisco; Director of Academics/Scholar 1517; Adjunct Prof. of History, Concordia U. Chicago)
1:00pm* The Legacy of Early Church Apologists & Beyond, Part II
2:00pm Table Talk: Q & A with the presenters
*Presentation periods include time for Q & A and sufficient breaks (including over an hour for lunch)
For more information contact Rev. David Thompson
507-344-7395 apologetics@blc.edu