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Worldview Watch

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” (Colossians 2:8, NIV ‘84)

What is going on now in society and culture that can negatively impact faith in Christ and the biblical worldview? This page includes news events, articles, statements, comments, passages, links to podcasts, videos, etc. to help Christian parents, pastors, teachers, youth, and congregations understand the times so the truth of Christianity and Christ can be distinguished from false worldviews

(Disclaimer: These posts do not necessarily and accurately express the teachings of our church body, but they provide helpful and insightful information.)

Recent Posts

July 14, 2024 in Worldview Watch

The Art of Christian Parenting with Dr. Ryan MacPherson

Watch "The Art of Christian Parenting with Dr. Ryan MacPherson" by On The Line
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July 14, 2024 in Worldview Watch

PHD Explains History & Beliefs of Islam | Dr. Adam Francisco

Watch "PHD Explains History & Beliefs of Islam | Dr. Adam Francisco" by On The…
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July 14, 2024 in Worldview Watch

Social Justice Fallacies (Thomas Sowell Book Review)

View "Social Justice Fallacies (Thomas Sowell Book Review)" by Sean McDowell
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July 14, 2024 in Worldview Watch

The War on Pregnancy Resource Centers

Listen to "The War on Pregnancy Resource Centers" by Breakpoint
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July 14, 2024 in Worldview Watch

The Bible Was Telling the Truth

Listen to "The Bible Was Telling the Truth" by Breakpoint
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July 14, 2024 in Worldview Watch

The Woke Right – Dr. Neil Shenvi

Listen to "The Woke Right" 2 part series: Listen to "The Woke Right, Part 1…
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July 14, 2024 in Worldview Watch

The War on Men – Dr. Owen Strachan

Listen to "The War on Men – Dr. Owen Strachan" by Issues, Etc.
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July 14, 2024 in Worldview Watch

A Supreme Court Ruling in a Case Regarding the Food and Drug Administration’s Removal of Safety Standards on Abortion Drugs

Listen to "A Supreme Court Ruling in a Case Regarding the Food and Drug Administration’s…
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July 14, 2024 in Worldview Watch

Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult – Mary Margaret Olohan

Listen to "Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult – Mary Margaret Olohan" by Issues,…
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July 14, 2024 in Worldview Watch

How Smartphones Shape Us

Listen to "How Smartphones Shape Us" by Breakpoint
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July 14, 2024 in Worldview Watch

IVF and the Southern Baptist Convention

Listen to "IVF and the Southern Baptist Convention" by Breakpoint
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July 14, 2024 in Worldview Watch

Music Sings of a Creator

Listen to "Music Sings of a Creator" by Breakpoint
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July 14, 2024 in Worldview Watch

Dads Can’t Be Moms

Listen to "Dads Can’t Be Moms" by Breakpoint
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July 14, 2024 in Family, Worldview Watch

Fathers Are the Most Important Men

Listen to "Fathers Are the Most Important Men" by Breakpoint      
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June 18, 2024 in Gender, LGBTQ+, Worldview Watch

Understanding the Gender Revolution: Christianity and the Transgender Movement

Listen to "Understanding the Gender Revolution: Christianity and the Transgender Movement"
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May 17, 2024 in Family, Worldview Watch

Doing Better for Our Daughters

Click here to view the article.
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May 17, 2024 in LGBTQ+, Worldview Watch

Is ‘Love Is Love’ True?

Click here to view the article.
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May 17, 2024 in LGBTQ+, Worldview Watch

Is Sex Assigned at Birth?

Click here to view the article.
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May 17, 2024 in Worldview Watch, Worldviews

Christian Nationalism  
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May 17, 2024 in Worldview Watch, Worldviews

Christians in the Woke Workplace  
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May 17, 2024 in LGBTQ+, Worldview Watch

Riley Gaines Interview

Riley Gaines, the 12-time all-American swimmer, explains her story of having to race against a “trans…
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May 17, 2024 in Worldview Watch

Lutherans Unplucked

Lutherans Unplucked – a new podcast of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod  
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May 17, 2024 in Worldview Watch, Worldviews

Noah’s Ark and a Global Flood?

Click here to view "The Ark and the Darkness"
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May 17, 2024 in LGBTQ+, Worldview Watch

Male and Female. Comments by Dr. Peter Scaer

Male and Female. Comments by Dr. Peter Scaer (Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne IN) Click…
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May 17, 2024 in Government, LGBTQ+, Worldview Watch

Response to the Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA)

Two letters were recently sent to Minnesota’s governor and others.  The first was sent out…
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